Build your base

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem ei est.


We can’t speak for the other classes that were graduated from Southport High School in the past, but the Class of 1970 is one in which its members can rightfully take pride. Since we departed high school 54 years ago, we went a number of different directions. Some went right to work and some are still working. Many went to college and some became doctors, lawyers, architects, teachers, ministers and businessmen and businesswomen. Some served our country in the military and to those who did, we are not only thankful for their service, but also thankful that all returned safely. Many members of our class became mothers and fathers and some of their offspring followed in their parents’ footsteps and were graduated from Southport.

Serving remains a focus of this class. Since 1980, the Class of ’70 has had a reunion every five years. In 1996 the Class of ’70 established a scholarship fund to be awarded to a college-bound Southport High School senior each year. Since its inception, thousands of dollars have been awarded. It’s a source of pride and something our class continues to do now and into the future.